बाल्टिमोरको सिएफजीले गर्‍यो पुनर्निर्माणमा ५० लाख सहयोग

अमेरिकाको बाल्टिमोरमा मुख्यालय रहेको एक अमेरिकी वित्तीय कम्पनी क्यापिटल फन्डिङ समूहले भूकम्पबाट क्षतिग्रस्त नुवाकोटको एक विद्यालय पुनःनिर्माण तथा स्वास्थ्य केन्द्रको सेवा विस्तारका लागि ५० लाख रूपैयाँ सहयोग गरेको छ ।

नुवाकोटको कविलास गाविस—२ मा रहेको सो विद्यालय गतवर्ष २०७१ वैशाख १२ को भूूकम्पका कारण पूर्णरुपमा ध्वस्त भएको थियो । प्राप्त सहयोगमध्ये ३५ लाख कविलास माध्यामिक विद्यालायको र १५ लाख रूपैयाँ आधारभुत स्वास्थ्य सेवा क्लिनिकमा खर्च गरिनेछ ।

अमेरिकामा संयुक्त परिवार र स्वास्थ्य सुरक्षाको विषयमा काम गर्दै आएको सो संस्थाका संस्थापक ज्याक ड्वायरले नेपालका भूूकम्पपीडित समुुदायलाई सहयोग गर्न पाएकामा आफू अत्यन्तै खुसी भएको बताए ।

सफलताका लागि शिक्षा पहिलो आधारशिला भएकाले नेपालमा बालबालिका र तिनको परिवारमा शिक्षाको पहुँच पुर्‍याउन भविष्यमा पनि सहयोग गर्ने उनले प्रतिवद्धता व्यक्त गरे ।

क्यापिटल फन्डिङ कम्पनीमै कार्यरत पुष्पा सुवेदीले नेपालमा भूकम्पबाट पुुगेको क्षति र पुनःनिर्माणका बारेमा आफूले ड्वायरलाई अवगत गराएपछि उक्त सहयोग जुट्न सकेको बताए ।

समाजसेवी बसन्तराज मिश्र र डा पीयुुस मिश्रले भूकम्पबाट क्षतिग्रस्त सो क्षेत्रको पुुनःनिर्माणमा सहयोग जुुटाउन संयोजनकारी भूमिका खेलेका छन्।

Source: http://www.onlinekhabar.com/2016/05/429215/

News Covered in CFG website:

CFG Contributes $50,000 Toward Nepal Earthquake Reconstruction Efforts

In the wake of a 7.8 magnitude earthquake that struck Nepal just one year ago today, on April 25, 2015, killing more than 8,000 people and injuring more than 21,000, there was a desperate need for aid. Homes, schools, healthcare facilities and roads were destroyed, and countries around the world donated to relief efforts.

At Capital Funding Group, the disaster took on a personal note when we discovered one of our employees, Pushpa Subedi, who has worked as an underwriter at CFG for 12 years, grew up in Nepal’s capital, Kathmandu.

“When I first heard about the earthquake, I was very upset,” Subedi said. “The house I grew up in was destroyed and a few family members lost houses. The landmarks I saw growing up were falling down, roads were destroyed, people became homeless. It hits you pretty hard when you see a place where you grew up destroyed.”

One year later, many schools and healthcare facilities, along with roads, have yet to be reconstructed.

When Jack Dwyer, Chairman of the Board/Sole Owner at Capital Funding Group, learned about this, he immediately stepped up to contribute $50,000 from CFG toward reconstruction efforts.

“He is just an incredibly generous person,” Subedi said. “I immediately reached out to my family for assistance in determining how to make the biggest impact. It was important to me to know the donation was making a true impact on the community. Because we had the opportunity to make a direct donation, we know that the funds are going directly to those who need it most.”

CFG has directed $35,000 in funds for the rebuilding of a school in a remote village (Shree Kapilas Madhyamik Bidhyalaya), and $15,000 to rebuild a small health post (Adharbhoot Swastha Sewa Bikas Karyakram Samstha).

“We’re thankful for the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of children and their families in this town,” Dwyer said. “Education is so crucial to success, and we hope that the school will be a happy and healthy learning environment very soon.”

Subedi hopes the school reconstruction will be complete by early 2017 and plans to visit to see the finished building.

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source: http://www.capfundinc.com/news/capital-funding-group-contributes-50000-toward-earthquake-reconstruction-efforts/

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