Maas ko Baara

Preparation time
360 mins
Cooking time
60 mins
6 people
Meal course
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1.00 table spoon
2.00 cup
split black urad beans
1.00 table spoon
Fresh Ginger
2.00 cup
Vegetable Oil
Maas ko Baara

Maas ko Baara are light and spongy urad daal fritters that resemble small doughnuts. Traditionally, the batter is ground on a store slab and roller (silouto), giving it a smooth and fluffy consistency, but this recipe uses a food processor or blender to produce an equally good result. They are best served fresh but can be stored overnight.

Baara are associated with religuous and ceremonial occasions. During the ten days of the Vijaya Dashami festival, they are prepared each morning, and are offered to the deities as scared offerings (naivedya). They are also distributed among friends and families and consumed as a blessed food (prasad)


  1. Sort and wash the beans. In a large bowl, soak them in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours or overnight, until doubled in volume. Rub the beans between your hands vigorously to loosen the outer black skins. The coating will come off easily and float in the water. Drain, add fresh water, and rub again most of the coatings are removed. Drain the beans in a colander
  2. Place the drained beans in a food processor or blender and process, adding just enough water to make a semi-thick smooth puree with no grainy bits of beans remaining. You may have to do this in two batches. Place the batter in a bowl and add the salt, ginger, and asafetida and whisk until it is light and spongy. Cover the bowl and allow the mixtures to rest at room temperature for at least 10 minutes.
  3. Heat the oil in a large heavy skillet over medium-high heat until it reaches 350 degree to 375 degree. Test the readiness of the oil by dropping a little batter into the hot oil. If it bubbles and rises to the surface immediately, it is ready. With moistened fingertips, scoop up 2 tablespoons of a batter and shape it into a round flat patty. Make a hole in the center of the patty. Immediately gently slide the patty into the hot oil. The baara will sink to the bottom first, but will rise up and double in size. Flip it over a few times, until both sides are light brown and it is cooked through, 2 to 3 minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon, draining the excess oil and place the fritter on a paper towel-lined plate. Repeat with the remaining batter. Serve the baara hot.

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